The Weekly Report Cornerstone

   WEEK 42 Oct 7th to 13th 2002


   World Nature Fund is sounding the alarm after the findings of even bigger amounts of poisonous chemicals in the Arctic. Polar regions have, in short become civilization's dumping ground. The severity and huge scale of the problem were first realized when it was discovered that the pollution made polar bears sterile, broke down their immune defense system and caused severe birth defects. Various compounds containing mercury and PCB from the entire industrialized world has spread all over the North Pole region. A new, follow-up report now shows that the Inuits in Northern Canada have begun to exhibit the same symptoms as the polar bears.
   The effect is growing. Some might say that it was a fortunate turn of events that the poisons were partly led away from major human population areas, but if so it was, as expected a temporary thing. The world's garbage heaps, all of them are growing and humans, the perpetrators and Life itself are paying the price.
   The poison is now everywhere on earth. On the North Pole, on the South Pole, on Mount Everest, inside and outside the major metropolitan areas.
   - We are at the start of what may be another Extinction Event, the sixth in Earth history, a spokesman is saying. - The number of species threatened certainly justifies such a conviction. As with the five previously it will be an all including event. All the previous five wiped out over 90 percent of all life on the planet, and there is no doubt that this one will do the same.


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Entered 2002-10-07