Convent of Rabelais

Convent of Rabelais Convent of Rabelais

Insatiable Eyes

The dancer was tall, tense
Lean as a starving leopardess
With wild, insatiable eyes
She...danced in the scented garden
In the house on the hillside
Around the Persian nut trees
And she was a sight to behold

Cry Life

Master Therion summoned
Pan to guard the great hall
There, in the paradise of Cefalu
He climbed Kanchenjunga
The great mountain-time after time
"Enjoy yourselves",cried the beast
"Drink of the wine, drink of the life
Enhance you Enhance it
Enhance it Enhance you"

The Great Hall

Pan and Aphrodite visited them as they willed
spreading milk and honey everywhere
"Sex and magic", they sang
Dreaming the dionysian dream
Adest rosa secreta eros
Quid umbratur in mari
Arse quim piss and cunt
It's all true

All True

usefull usefull

At midnight they bathed
In the stream of running water
They took delight in the white snow
Lying about
Totally without restraint they celebrated life
They took the bull swimming in the river Styx
by the horns


In the vast studio opening northwards
The magick people greeted the moon
Hail, Diana, Huntress of the moon
Greetings from the abbey of Thelema
Nothing is forbidden Nothing is sacred
We live our second life
We're human once again

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Goddess of the Hunt - Path to Crowley