The Weekly Report Cornerstone

   WEEK 20 May 1st to 7th


   What has been evident for some time, has now been confirmed.
   The Polar Bear is threatened by extinction. And not really because of hunting and capture, by humans, but in a way that has clearly a direct and clear significance to us, too. The Polar Bear is threatened by human society and its garbage. Norwegian and Canadian scientists have found that the bears are carrying so much pollution in their body, that the entire species are threatened by extinction. Pollution, poison are carried to the arctic by the sea and the wind, and is weakening both the ability to reproduce and the body’s immune defense system.
   The fact that pollution in such a quantity could reach polar regions, was until recently seen as unlikely. The world’s wilderness and remote areas, was seen as the last refuge for people who wanted a clean environment. The atmosphere, the very surface and seas of the Earth, may quite possibly be reaching an «over the top - effect» of contamination, distributing pollution equally to all corners of the planet, making it impossible to avoid. It is said that the globe has become so «small», so cramped, that there are no more places to hide. Not from crowds, nor poison.
   The scientists have tranquilized 30 animals and both a wide array of poisons, among them PCB, thousands and thousands of kilometers from where the compounds were produced. The members of the team are in agreement that these finding have a major impact on life on the planet in general, including human life. There is no significant difference between Polar bears and other mammals. Body processes and physiology are the same, the way compounds find their way into the organism, is the same. The havoc the intrusion is causing in the body is fundamentally equal.
   We’re all Polar Bears, waiting for the poison to make its mark.



   The British Military Intelligence, MI5, will monitor all E - Mail going out and in of the kingdom. They’ll need governmental approval to build and use a major complex of monitoring devices, but don’t foresee any problem in obtaining this. Many politicians in all political parties, have for some time now, been expressing concerns «about the uncontrollable nature of The Internet».    While questioned about why this is necessary and who it’s supposed to be «guarding» against, the supporters can offer no explanations beyond the usual and old about «national security» and «non guilty people have little to fear». Once again, protests, concerns and objections about the intrusive nature of the project, are evidently ignored. As when video - cameras were placed within many cities in Britain and Europe and the world at large.    Civil rights movements and groups are claiming that the noose is tightening, that this development is destroying human safety and especially human freedom, but they were basically ignored in the case of the video - cameras and other monitoring devices and developments, and it seems likely that this will also be the case this time around.

   Related subject





Entered 2000-05-03
