WoduridaR is looking at us, perhaps even walking among us.
We're løooking, too
Many of us are ancient creatures, roaming the Wild.
Sailing its many waves.
Gaining knowledge and Experience, Life and Death


   - Welcome, says the man in the shadows, the Many Faced Man, - to humanity's ancient, frightening past. Frightening not because there's anything to be afraid of, but because today's human being has forgotten, is denying so much of itself, its Core.



   The Dark Lodge was raised in the mists.                    






                for the Stranger seeking it.





           It is there still,


   Many a Stranger have arrived there.
It's waiting still.
There is always room for one more Stranger in


Title:The Dark Lodge



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Web Counter is used on this page.

First uploaded 01-04-1998
100. Night 12053
Third year in the time of The Crimson Tide.

Previous main pages: 1    2

   Ongoing Transformation and Metamorphosis started.
FIRST WAVE: 2000-12-08, 352. Night 12055 by the end of the year of The Abyss.

SECOND WAVE: 2001-05-25, 155. Night 12056 in the first year in the time of the Twilight Storm.

THIRD AND UNENDING WAVE: 2002-10-28, 312. Night 12057 in the second year in the time of the Twilight Storm.

   And this second 2012-10-28 19.28.21 midnight-fire.net had its ELEVENTH ANNUAL CELEBRATION!!!

   We have been on the web since April 1996, though...

   Is that SIXTEEN years??? I can't believe it.

Most recent update 2013-01-01

Text, images, music, webdesign, art and everything Copyright Amos Keppler



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To ShadowWalk To The Long walk


Midnight Fire