The Defenseless

   We are all born defenseless, a tiny bundle of vulnerable flesh, unable to even move on our own, totally helpless without our parents' protection.
   As we grow older we grow stronger.
   We take our first steps, walk our first mile, a child looking at the world with wide eyes.
   As we move through adolescence, towards adulthood we grow strong and fierce, able and perhaps also willing to defend ourselves against any one enemy.
   But isn't everybody defenseless to a certain degree in today's vast and cruel society, potential random victims of circumstance or fate, closing our eyes to the world's brutal reality until it strikes us down?
   Do we live our life with our eyes closed, in the vain hope that it won't happen to us?




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   Amos Keppler's stories, poems, music and art published on the web. 99 percent of everything published on the Midnight Fire Arena is done by him.


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